Times are changing Amsterdam is loosing it's USP

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRUHYKZ9248

A show like this would have been a career killer not long ago. Big fan of Jack Blacks usually high energy and now additionally his chutzpah. As a european citizen and a literal child of the flowerpower generation I welcome liberalization on the topic. Although I don’t favor or support regular consumption and can feel strongly for the points made by Jack Black on why he actually stopped smoking (additionally it’s self-evident in the clip). I understand the rush of excitement the new liberal laws ignite in the US but I am also worried to see a „Monster-Truck“ like development in the matter. I personally welcome the discourse and public visibility allowing, in my opinion, for a healthier and freer exchange of experience and precautions. I also welcome a world less hypocritical on the matter (for example „I didn’t inhalte“).

A little awkward at times but was fun to view.

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